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Top Seoul National University Majors for Undergraduate Degree

3 Min Read
November 29, 2022

With the hype of Korean drama and music, more and more people are becoming interested in the nation. This hype also resulted in many students out there wanting to pursue further education in Korea. Are you one of them? Do you know which major you want to study? Let's look at some of the best Seoul National University Majors.

Materials Science 

Engineering applications, the physics and chemistry of matter, as well as industrial manufacturing processes are all included in the interdisciplinary field of materials science. Modern society heavily relies on cutting-edge materials, such as silicon microchips for the ongoing digital technology revolution, lightweight composites for more fuel-efficient automobiles, and optical fibers for telecommunications. Materials scientists research the connections between a material's composition, structure, and properties. Additionally, they create novel materials and sophisticated manufacturing methods. Nanotechnology, quantum computing, energy storage, nuclear energy, and medical innovations like bone replacement materials and drug delivery all depend on advancements in materials science.

Clinical Medicine

The practice and study of medicine based on the direct examination of the patient is the main focus of the medical field known as clinical medicine. In contrast, other scientific disciplines place a greater emphasis on the concepts and fundamentals of medicine. Clinicians evaluate patients in clinical medicine to identify, treat, and prevent disease.

Condensed Matter Physics

The study of the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of matter is a focus of condensed matter physics. Scientists who specialize in condensed matter investigate how matter is created from several interacting atoms and electrons as well as the physical characteristics that result from these interactions.

Condensed matter physics is typically divided into two categories: "soft" condensed matter physics, which examines the non-quantum aspects of matter, and "hard" condensed matter physics, which studies the quantum properties of matter.


The area of medicine known as oncology is dedicated to detecting and managing cancer. Furthermore, it comprises surgical oncology (the use of surgery and other procedures to treat cancer), radiation oncology, and medical oncology . The use of pharmaceuticals like chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and other medications to treat cancer.

This field is very special because cancer is also a special condition. In addition to affecting blood cells, cancer can also result in blood cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma, or myeloma. Due to the unchecked expansion of the abnormal (malignant) cells in the bone marrow, many blood malignancies also result in a reduction in normal blood cell synthesis.

The unchecked expansion of cancer cells typically overwhelms the body over time or spreads to an area of the body that is vital to survival.


Gastroenterology is the study of conditions affecting the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, rectum, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts, and liver as well as their normal function. It requires a thorough understanding of the physiology of the gastrointestinal organs and their typical functions. Moreover, this includes the motility—or movement—of substances through the stomach and intestines, the digestion and absorption of nutrients into the body, the elimination of waste products from the system, and the role of the liver as a digestive organ. It covers prevalent and significant illnesses such as hepatitis, gastric reflux disease, peptic ulcer disease, colitis, gallbladder and biliary tract disease, nutritional issues, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), colon polyps, and cancer.

The list of Seoul National University Majors above helps to make the world a better place. You may see that most of these majors revolve around the medical field. As you may know, medicine is one of the most challenging fields to get into. Therefore, you need to make sure that you prepare everything to get into Seoul National University.

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