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What You Need to Know About AP Biology

4 Min Read
January 01, 1970

Are you considering taking AP Biology? This challenging and rewarding course offers high school students the opportunity to delve into the intricacies of life sciences while earning college credit. Whether you’re passionate about biology or looking to strengthen your college applications, understanding the structure, content, and exam format of AP Biology is crucial. In this article, we’ll explore key concepts, study tips, and resources to help you succeed in AP Biology, setting you on the path to mastering this essential subject.

AP Biology Subject Overview

In the AP Biology course, you will investigate the scientific principles that govern living organisms. Additionally, you will engage in hands-on laboratory activities to explore the natural environment.

Skills You’ll Develop in AP Biology

  • Creating experiments to evaluate a hypothesis: Students will learn how to design experiments that test their predictions about biological phenomena. 
  • Gathering and analyzing data: The course teaches students how to collect relevant data from their experiments and analyze it for meaningful patterns.
  • Interpreting data to reach conclusions: Students will practice interpreting the results of their experiments to draw informed conclusions.
  • Backing up scientific claims with evidence: The course emphasizes the importance of using empirical evidence to support scientific arguments and claims.

The content of the AP Biology course is outlined below:

UnitTopics CoveredOn The Exam
  1. Chemistry of Life

- The composition and chemical properties of water

- The composition and attributes of macromolecules

- The structure of DNA and RNA

8% - 11% of exam score
  1. Cell Structure and Function

- Cellular components and functions

- How cells interact with its environment

- Structure and function of the cell membrane

- Cell regulatory mechanisms like osmosis and selective permeability

- Compartmentalization within cells

10% - 13% of exam score
  1. Cellular Energetics

- Structure and function of enzymes

- Role of energy in biological systems

- The process of photosynthesis

- Cellular respiration

- Molecular diversity and how cells respond to environmental changes

10% - 13% of exam score
  1. Cell Communication and Cell Cycle

- Methods of cell communication

- Signal transduction processes

- Cellular responses and feedback systems

- Stages of the cell cycle

10% - 15% of exam score
  1. Heredity

- Meiosis

- Genetic variation

- Mendel’s laws and principles of probability

- Non-mendelian Inheritance

- Factors influencing inheritance and gene expression

8% - 11% of exam score
  1. Gene Expression and Regulation

- Functions of DNA and RNA

- Processes of gene expression

- The impact of genotype on phenotype

- Mutations, genetic diversity, and natural selection

- Genetic engineering and biotechnology

12% - 16% of exam score
  1. Natural Selection

- Evidence supporting evolution and common ancestry

- Processes of natural selection and speciation

- Environmental and anthropogenic  factors in evolution

- Tracing species ancestry through phylogenetic trees and cladograms

- Extinction

- Theories of the origin of life on Earth

13% - 20% of exam score
  1. Ecology

- Communication and reactions to environmental changes

- Energy transfer within and between ecosystems

- Elements influencing population  growth, density, and viability

- Factors affecting community and ecosystem dynamics

- Invasive species, human activities, and environmental changes

10% - 15% of exam score

AP Biology Exam Overview

The AP Biology Exam assesses your comprehension of the biology topics taught in the course, as well as your ability to apply the scientific method and analyze data. You may use a four-function calculator (with square root), as well as scientific or graphing calculators during this exam.

AP Biology Exam Sections

The exam lasts for 3 hours in total and consists of two sections:

Section 1: Multiple Choice

  • 60 questions, 1 hour and 30 minutes. 
  • This section includes individual questions as well as sets of questions with 4–5 questions per set.

Section 2: Free Response

  • 6 questions, 1 hour and 30 minutes
  • There are 2 long questions and 4 short questions. Long questions are worth 8-10 points each; short questions are worth 4 points each.
  • The long questions ask students to interpret and evaluate experimental results, with and without graphing.
  • The short questions assess students’ understanding of scientific investigation, conceptual analysis, analysis of a model or visual representation, and data analysis.

AP Biology Exam Scoring

The AP Biology Exam is graded on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest possible score. The scoring is divided as follows:

  • Multiple Choice: 50% of the total exam score
  • Free Response: 50% of the total exam score

After calculating all raw scores, they are converted to the 1 to 5 scale, taking into account the difficulty of each exam to ensure a fair comparison across different years.

Average scores for the AP Biology Exam can fluctuate annually. In 2023, the average score was 3.04, with a score of 3 or higher generally considered passing.

The distribution of scores for the 2023 AP Biology exam is detailed below:

543213 or Above

AP Biology offers an exciting opportunity to deepen your understanding of life sciences while earning college credit. By familiarizing yourself with the course content, honing essential skills, and preparing effectively for the exam, you can set yourself up for success.

AP Transfer Credit

For several universities in the US, you can transfer your AP credits if your score is 4 or 5. You can find more details in the table below.

AP ScoreCredit RecommendationCollege Grade Equivalent
5Extremely well qualifiedA
4Well qualifiedA-, B+, B
3QualifiedB-, C+, C
2Possibly qualifiedn/a
1No recommendationn/a

By mastering the material and performing well on the exam, you open doors to advanced academic opportunities. Be sure to review all the key topics, practice thoroughly, and explore your options for earning college credit.


Need to learn more about AP Biology? We can help you with that through our programs:

  1. Maximize your university entrance prep with Admission Mentoring.
  2. Explore your interests and dive into different industries through Exploration Programs. 
  3. Improve your grades and knowledge through Academic Tutoring.

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